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Congregational News
Every year, our Tzedakah (righteous giving) Fund provides grants to social service and social action organizations within the greater community, addressing basic human needs. Mazel tov to our two Tzedakah Grant …
In The BE Family
If you are interested in seeing Rabbi Max Antman be installed as a Rabbi, join Temple Sholom. Our own Rabbi London and Cantor Young will be in attendance. Join them …
Anya and Teo Siegel-Acevedo have completed their Gemilut Chasadim project, and it could not have happened without support! Dropping off 60 self-care packages for patients who had, and especially those …
It has been a tradition for my family and I to volunteer in the Beth Emet soup kitchen… It’s our way of giving back for all the blessings we’ve received. …
Judy Caplan and Bluma Stoller went to Springfield! In early 2021, the Pretrial Fairness Act was passed by the Illinois legislature and signed into law. The measure, which ends the …
Featuring Artist and Beth Emet member Jane Weintraub! Since childhood all I’ve ever wanted to be is an artist- we joke that having hit my brother over the head with …
I was recently ordained as a rabbi by Hebrew College, a pluralistic seminary in Newton, MA and will soon begin to serve as Assistant Rabbi at Congregation Agudath Israel in …
I was always fascinated by language and culture, and this fascination led me to get a PhD in Linguistic Anthropology with a focus on efforts in Israel to keep the …
I’m fascinated with trust – what makes some people trustworthy and why we distrust others. I’ve spent my career building communities of trust and amplifying the messages through media …
Before Covid I was a regular volunteer at Connections for the Homeless, where I worked as a receptionist and greeter. Once the pandemic hit and many Connections clients were moved …
Dear Beth Emet Member, “Motherland” is the new play I’ve adapted with Illinois Author of the Year Fern Schumer Chapman from Fern’s award-winning book. “Motherland” will be online for only …
Czechs in Chicago: A Home in the Heartland is a documentary film that chronicles how Czechs helped build and shape Chicago from their arrival in the 19th century to today. …