
We are seekers, and we are finders.

Spend time with people who share your interests and celebrate meaningful milestones with friends and family.

Friday, December 6 – Sunday, December 8 at Olin Sang Ruby Union Institute (OSRUI) in Oconomowoc, WI 

Sign up for a Transformative Weekend Getaway  

For more information and to sign up, Click here!

Beth Emet is the center of a vibrant community.

We gather throughout the year for a rich variety of programs, celebrations, and social gatherings. Whether we’re gathering for Shabbat dinners, study sessions, or in Beth Emet community groups, we’re always exploring new lessons, exchanging ideas, learning, laughing, questioning, and growing.

Some of us are accountants, some are artists. Some wear suits, some wear jeans. We’re in varying life stages and all working to expand our Jewish values and practices as our lives evolve.

Young Family Engagement

At Beth Emet, we strive to foster a sense of community within our large congregation and engage children and families in a variety of Jewish experiences, from classroom education to holiday celebrations.

We offer ongoing activities throughout the year for children and families to enjoy, including regular holiday and Shabbat celebrations, JBaby classes, Sunday morning Gan Yom Rishon class, and special events and classes throughout the year.

Learn More

Committees and Groups

Walking into Beth Emet’s doors is about so much more than having a physical place to connect. It’s about knowing that however you enter, there’s a space for you in our community.