
Beth Emet is an engaged, inclusive community of passionate learners who wrestle with God, hug one another, sing loudly (and try to stay in tune).

Congregants of all ages, religious upbringing and walks of life from Evanston, Wilmette, Skokie, Chicago, Lincolnwood, and beyond share a love of Judaism and respect for one another. Diversity is the cornerstone of who we are as it not only strengthens our community but it also expands and deepens our understanding of who we are and the gifts we bring.

Pray, Meet, Learn, and Act with others who share your commitment to making the world a better place where Black Lives Matter, Israelis and Palestinians can live in peace, poverty and hunger are addressed, and discrimination has no place.

What does Beth Emet The Free Synagogue mean?

The word “free” in our names holds a strong significance that shapes the foundation of our congregation. It means that we unequivocally support the freedom to express a full range of ideas from our bima (pulpit) and within our community, the right for civil discourse, knowing that we may disagree, but the conversation is just as important as our own opinions. We can only grow and expand our understanding of the world around us. Our founding members chose a name that symbolized a commitment to truth and open expression.

Learn more about our name and history:

Our Story

What does membership cost?

First year membership is $100 per month ($1,200), which offers new members an opportunity to get to know our community without the financial pressure. Beth Emet is committed to Jewish continuity and providing a home for every person who wants to become a member, regardless of finances.

For any questions please email our Executive Director

Hear From Our Community Members

“Beth Emet provides many channels for our family to put our Jewish values into action. Now more than ever, this matters!

Initiatives such as the soup kitchen and the civic engagement task force provide us with hands-on opportunities that have a direct impact on our community. Beth Emet’s participation with the Religious Action Center and the Jewish Council on Urban Affairs allows us to advocate for issues we care about (such as immigrant rights) at the state and national levels.

We take great pride in being part of a synagogue that is not afraid to stand up and speak out about social injustice.

In recent months, we are inspired and motivated to do our part when we see our busy Beth Emet leaders out in the community providing leadership and speaking truth to power around the issues of racial justice and police accountability. Beth Emet makes it very easy to plug in and make an impact.”

“We moved to Evanston with our newborn four years ago. We attended several young family events, at Beth Emet, and immediately felt the warm sense of community that we were seeking.

Having found our new temple, we were excited to give Zoey a proper Jewish baby naming, with guidance from Rabbi London. We spoke to the congregation from the bimah and received a hearty mazal tov from the Rabbi and Cantor. But were caught off guard, in the best sort of way, by the many congregants who approached and welcomed us after the service.

Raising our children with a strong Jewish identity is of utmost importance to us.

Between Tot Shabbat, Gan Yom Rishon (pre-Kindergarten), and the wide variety of other kids events, we know that Zoey and Jacob are creating their own Jewish community at Beth Emet.”

“From the moment we attended our first service at Beth Emet in 2013 we knew this was our place. Members welcomed us with warmth and openness.

We found ourselves able to engage in dialogue with like-minded people and found ourselves drawn in by others who introduced us to new perspectives and listened to ours with respect.

Beth Emet is where Elizabeth began her journey to Judaism. We have both participated in different classes, beginning with Basic Judaism, Hebrew, Torah Study, and Middot Va’ad.

Our clergy, Marci Dickman, and other educators make learning accessible no matter what level of knowledge you bring to the table. Beth Emet is a part of us. It’s where we got married. It’s where Elizabeth served as treasurer for the Soup Kitchen for four years. It’s where I volunteer to be part of Shabbat Connection. It’s where I sing in the Purim Shpiel. It’s home.”

Experience Beth Emet

As you consider membership, we invite you to participate in Shabbat services, classes, programs or really anything that Beth Emet has to offer. This is the best way to get to know the community and confirm that indeed it’s the right fit for you!

To find out more about membership contact our Executive Director

Or, if you’re ready to join our circle of friends, apply for membership today!

Apply for Membership