Mazel Tov to Our Tzedakah Grant Fund Award Winners: Learning Edge Tutoring & Connections for the Homeless!

Beth Emet is delighted to announce that Learning Edge Tutoring and Connections for the Homeless have been selected as the recipients of this year’s Tzedakah Grant Fund! These two exceptional organizations have shown remarkable dedication to serving our community, and we are honored to support their invaluable work. The Tzedakah Grant Fund aims to empower organizations that embody the values of compassion, justice, and community service. We are confident that this grant will further enable Learning Edge Tutoring and Connections for the Homeless to expand their reach and deepen their impact. If you’re interested in applying for the Grants click here.The deadline is October 31.

Read more about the organizations below:

Learning Edge Tutoring

Learning Edge, based in the West Side Austin neighborhood, provides free one-to-one tutoring and other academic enrichment services to students from kindergarten to the 12th grade. Services are available to all students regardless of school affiliation or academic level, including students with individual education plans. In addition to school year tutoring, Learning Edge provides summer math and reading enrichment to mitigate summer learning loss; a high school enrollment seminar to help students and families navigate the Chicago Public School enrollment system; personalized assistance for high school students with college and career preparation; and, bi-weekly deliveries of fresh produce to students’ families throughout the school year. Learning Edge will use the grant for general program operations. If you’re interested in learning more you can read more here.

Connections for the Homeless

A previous grant recipient, Connections is dedicated to helping people experiencing homelessness. Its mission is to serve and catalyze the communities it serves to end homelessness, one person at a time. Services provided include eviction prevention, community and shelter services at Hilda’s Place and Margarita Inn, housing subsidies and case management, and advocacy centered around eliminating barriers that perpetuate homelessness. Connections will use the grant for general operating support.


Connections will use the grant for general operating support. Connections for the Homeless has shown tireless dedication to providing essential services and support to those experiencing homelessness. Their comprehensive care and advocacy are vital in helping individuals and families regain stability and hope. We are privileged to support their efforts in making a meaningful difference in the lives of so many.


Right now, Connections for the Homeless is running a drive for additional supplies to send 10 kids to have their first summer camp experience. Read more here.



Once again, Mazel Tov to both organizations on this well-deserved recognition. Thank you for your dedication and for being such valuable contributors to our community. We look forward to seeing the continued positive outcomes of your important work.