Adult ProgrammingBeit SeferCongregational ProgramsWorshipYoung FamiliesYouth
Join the Beth Emet choir practices, leading to a culminating shabbat on June 7th. For more information contact Cantor Young
Every year, many members of the congregation volunteer their time to plan and implement enriching programs, and we will honor one of our leaders in this area: Helene Rosenberg. She has chaired our Adult Education Committee for many years, encouraging diverse programming and opening the door to thought-provoking Jewish learning for members of the Beth ...
This Oneg is sponsored by Andy Huckman in memory of his mother, Beverly Huckman, on the 5th anniversary of her yahrzeit.
If you are able to attend on Saturday morning, please consider bringing a vegetarian, nut-free dish or lunch item for all to enjoy. Please also take a moment to jot down a list of ingredients that can be displayed with your dish for the benefit of those with food allergies. Instead of a potluck item, ...