Adult ProgrammingBeit SeferCongregational ProgramsWorshipYoung FamiliesYouth
There are so many moving parts in our day to day lives. Our very own Netiva Caftori, invites us to experience the healing practice of Qigong with her. Qigong is a millennia-old system of coordinated body-posture and movement, breathing, and meditation used for the purposes of health and spirituality. Beginners are encouraged to try out ...
Gesher students learn to identify Jewish values in their lives and to use those values as they make choices. You can see the full list of dates and classes at this link.
There are many ways to interpret Torah and its nuances of meaning that are often overlooked. We will continue our learning from last year, reading and interpreting the text of the Book of Deuteronomy line by line. New learners are always welcome. No fee for members Please register for this program here. Meeting ID: 880 ...
The Mishnah, the second century book that is the basis for the Talmud, seems simple. A well organized code of law, it structures Jewish ideas for subsequent Talmudic conversations. But there is more to the Mishnah than meets the eye. In this two-part class we will discuss how the Mishnah complicates our understanding of the ...
No In-Person Services Zoom Link Ph: 312-626-6799 – Meeting ID: 963 006 6598 | Passcode: 1224
No In-Person Services Zoom Link Ph: 312-626-6799 | Meeting ID: 810 6811 7564 | Passcode: 346295
Havdallah, a story, and a Roblox game made specially for us! If you have concerns about your child's ability to participate on Roblox, please contact Sam. Last Minute RSVP's Welcome Zoom Link