In honor of Jewish Disability Awareness, Acceptance and Inclusion Month, we are grateful to share a pre-recorded D’var Torah in honor of Inclusion Shabbat by Rabbi Sandra Cohen, “Creating a Caring Community: opening our doors to those with mental illness and their families”.
RABBI SANDRA COHEN is involved in mental health outreach in the Jewish community nationally. She uses traditional Jewish values and middot as a model for reaching out to those with mental health issues and their families. Those values, including compassion and respect, guide and inspire her work. She is a determined advocate for those with mental illness and their families. She sees her work as both opening the topic and continuing the conversation. Rabbi Cohen speaks openly about her personal journey with mental illness and applies that profound experience to her work. A primary goal is to support and educate spiritual communities, encouraging them to be more welcoming to the mentally ill.
Welcome Shabbat whether in the Sanctuary or online! Masks are no longer required and are encouraged. There will be a masks-required section for those that feel more comfortable in the Sanctuary.
To listen to the service dial 847-869-4230 and press 7
Shabbat B’bayit Services (Online Shabbat Services)
Kahal Shabbat Morning Service
Sunday Morning Minyan