In a time of searing conflict, Judaism turns to its sources and traditions to seek to make sense of its present moment. In this course, we will review biblical and rabbinic text on Amalek, the nomadic tribe that attacks the weary Israelite stragglers during the Exodus from Egypt (Exodus 17:8-16), and we will explore the meaning and consequences of the command to “blot out” the Amalek that Moses conveys to the people (Deut. 25:17-19). Is blotting out a form of remembering, forgetting, or both? Is it destruction or eternal enmity? What is a responsible understanding of these texts today?
Member fee $25; non-member fee $35
David Gottlieb is Director of Jewish Studies at the Spertus Institute for Jewish Learning and Leadership in Chicago.
Finding Balance, with Marci Dickman
No Class A Close Look at Prophets with Rabbi Andrea London
SAM (Senior Active Men) Short Story Group