November 14 @ 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm Event Series Al Shloshah D’varim: A Jewish and a Psychoanalytic View on Aging with Dr. Allen Siegel Al Shloshah D’varim: A Jewish and a Psychoanalytic View on Aging with Dr. Allen Siegel Member Registration Guest Registration How might Jewish and psychoanalytic perspectives on aging be related? This class will explore how these differing ways of understanding are strands that can be woven ...
November 15 @ 9:30 am - 10:30 am Event Series A Close Look at Prophets with Rabbi Andrea London A Close Look at Prophets with Rabbi Andrea London There are many ways to interpret our Tanach and its nuances of meaning that are often overlooked. Having completed our Close Look at Torah this past May, we turn to ...
November 21 @ 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm Event Series Al Shloshah D’varim: A Jewish and a Psychoanalytic View on Aging with Dr. Allen Siegel Al Shloshah D’varim: A Jewish and a Psychoanalytic View on Aging with Dr. Allen Siegel Member Registration Guest Registration How might Jewish and psychoanalytic perspectives on aging be related? This class will explore how these differing ways of understanding are strands that can be woven ...
November 21 @ 7:15 pm - 8:30 pm Event Series Finding a Balance, With Marci Dickman Finding Balance, with Marci Dickman Speaking from our hearts, finding greater equanimity and balance in turbulent times - not easy to do. We will use poetry, songs and lyrics, Jewish text, and our own experiences ...
November 22 @ 9:30 am - 10:30 am Event Series A Close Look at Prophets with Rabbi Andrea London A Close Look at Prophets with Rabbi Andrea London There are many ways to interpret our Tanach and its nuances of meaning that are often overlooked. Having completed our Close Look at Torah this past May, we turn to ...
November 22 @ 11:00 am - 12:15 pm Steven Reich: Musical Midrash with Dr.Sam Fleischacker Member Registration Guest Registration In memory of Helene Rosenberg z"l, who loved both classical music and Jewish learning, this session will feature Steve Reich, a wonderful contemporary composer who has ...
November 29 @ 9:30 am - 10:30 am Event Series A Close Look at Prophets with Rabbi Andrea London A Close Look at Prophets with Rabbi Andrea London There are many ways to interpret our Tanach and its nuances of meaning that are often overlooked. Having completed our Close Look at Torah this past May, we turn to ...
December 6 @ 9:30 am - 10:30 am Event Series A Close Look at Prophets with Rabbi Andrea London A Close Look at Prophets with Rabbi Andrea London There are many ways to interpret our Tanach and its nuances of meaning that are often overlooked. Having completed our Close Look at Torah this past May, we turn to ...
December 8 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am The Arch of Titus and the Jewish Community of Rome with Judith Testa Member Registration Guest Registration The Arch of Titus in Rome is redolent with Jewish history. It is best known for the relief sculpture on one of its inner walls that ...
December 13 @ 9:30 am - 10:30 am Event Series A Close Look at Prophets with Rabbi Andrea London A Close Look at Prophets with Rabbi Andrea London There are many ways to interpret our Tanach and its nuances of meaning that are often overlooked. Having completed our Close Look at Torah this past May, we turn to ...
December 19 @ 7:15 pm - 8:30 pm Event Series Finding a Balance, With Marci Dickman Finding Balance, with Marci Dickman Speaking from our hearts, finding greater equanimity and balance in turbulent times - not easy to do. We will use poetry, songs and lyrics, Jewish text, and our own experiences ...
December 20 @ 9:30 am - 10:30 am Event Series A Close Look at Prophets with Rabbi Andrea London A Close Look at Prophets with Rabbi Andrea London There are many ways to interpret our Tanach and its nuances of meaning that are often overlooked. Having completed our Close Look at Torah this past May, we turn to ...