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Soul Stitchers Potluck Dinner In The BE Sukkah!

October 11, 2022 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

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As the weather is not cooperating, we are moving the dinner from the sukkah to the lobby.

Soul Stitchers will be meeting in-person, outside at the Sukkah. Please plan to bring a vegetarian entree, salad, side dish or dessert so we can share the meal with 8-12 people. A Challah and kiddush wine (as well as plates, utensils and glasses) will be provided. Know how to knit and/or crochet? As a tribute to Nikki Zarefsky z”l, join us for knitting and connecting as we create shawls to warm people during services and/or healing shawls that will bring warmth to those in need in a hospital, home or other settings. Newcomers are welcome and encouraged to join!

Please email with any questions and to RSVP.