October 19, 2023
As war continues to rage in Israel and Gaza, we pray for those who are being held captive, those who are healing from loss and dealing with trauma, civilians who are in harm’s way, and the IDF soldiers who are on the front lines. As a congregation and as individuals, we are dealing with complex emotions, and we are continuing to find ways to support each other and our loved ones who live in the region. If there is someone who is in need of healing who you wish to add to the mishaberach (healing) list or you have a name to add to the Kaddish list, please let us know by following this link so we can collectively keep them in our prayers.
Last Friday’s Kabbalat Shabbat service was healing for many of us. Tomorrow evening we’ll again have an opportunity for prayer, contemplation, and meditation during our monthly Soul Spark Shabbat. Whether you come in person or participate remotely, it will be a chance to nourish our troubled souls and support each other during these challenging times. Services begin at 6:30 pm, and you can find the link below if you wish to participate virtually. Check our website for updates on upcoming programs related to the crisis in Israel, organizations to which you can donate, and past congregational emails.
With prayers for peace and well-being, Rabbi Andrea London