Annie Michaels- JDAIM Week Three

In recognition of Jewish Disability Awareness, Acceptance and Inclusion Month (JDAIM), we are honored to hear the voices of individuals who have a disability or have a connection to this community.

A Note From Annie:

My name is Annie Michaels. As a person with a disability, I tried many different overnight and day camps. I was lucky to find Camp Ramah’s Atzmayim and Tikvah programs. I finally felt accepted for the first time. In these camp programs, I learned a lot about living independently, working in the community and having fun in a Jewish setting. I am now more confident and involved in the Beth Emet Inclusion Committee, and through my work with the DEI group through JUF and Yachad (an organization that is all about inclusion). I want to add that I have been a member of Beth Emet for my whole life. I had a Bat Mitzvah as part of the Kahal community. It was a very emotional and powerful experience because of how accepting the congregation was during the service. I’ve met many warm and friendly Beth Emet members and have developed a lot of good connections.

Beth Emet has so many amazing members, each offering unique talents to the greater community. Share your news with all of us so we can both celebrate and get to know one another a bit better…. Especially during these (mostly) virtual times. Send your news to Bekki Kaplan, and if possible, please include a photo!