High Holy Days 5785 / 2024

Beth Emet High Holiday 2024 | 5785 Schedule

Starting with the beautiful evening of Erev Rosh Hashanah and culminating in the final shofar blast of Yom Kippur, the High Holy Days at Beth Emet are a heartwarming way to usher in the new year (5785) as a united community. Watch for updates as we approach these special days of awe and celebration.

Rosh Hashanah begins on the evening of Wednesday, October 2nd. Join us for an inspiring start to the new year!

Below is our current schedule for services, including times.


8:00 pm Erev Rosh Hashanah Service

Services begin at 9:00 am

9:00 am Chavurah Service followed by Tashlich for High School Students, Families and Adults

11:30 am Traditional Reform Morning Service

2:30 pm Young Family Service for Grade 1 and Younger
(Popsicles on the playground following services)

2:30 pm Family Service for Grades 2-4 (Popsicles on the playground following services)

10:00 am Young Family (Lee Street beach) + Community tashlich (Boat launch)

10:00 am Second Day Rosh Hashanah Service

6:30 pm Contemplative Shabbat Shuvah Service

9:30 am Shabbat Shuvah Morning Service

7:00 pm Kol Nidre Service

Services begin at 9:00 am

9:00 am Chavurah Service

9:30 am Adult Study

11:00 am Teen Hang Out

11:30 am Traditional Morning Service

2:30 pm  Adult Study with Rabbi London

2:30 pm Young Family Service for Grades 1 and Younger

2:30 pm Family Service for Grades 2-4

3:45 pm Concluding Service (to include Afternoon, Healing, Yizkor and Neilah)

The celebrations don’t end there! As we transition into the festive days of Sukkot, we look forward to continuing our joyous gatherings.

5784 Services

Worship this past year (5784) was soulful and uplifting, the music deeply spiritual, and the sermons were both thought-provoking and inspiring.

Check out below for a copy of the Chadashon (bulletin), the Yizkor (memorial) book and to listen to the sermons from this last year.

Rosh Hashanah Morning Sermon
Rabbi Andrea London &
Erev Rav Max Antman

Kol Nidre Sermon
Rabbi Andrea London


Yom Kippur Morning Sermon
Erev Rav Max Antman