We are excited to share that Beth Emet has received the Wildlife Habitat Certification. On Friday, June 17, before Kabbalat Shabbat services we as a congregation will hold a gathering as we unveil the sign and celebrate this important moment for Beth Emet as well as for the environment!
Climate change, pollution and human development continue to have devastating effects on wildlife habitats, threatening the existence of various species. The National Wildlife Federation encourages the growth of wildlife habitats with its Wildlife Habitat Certification program. As Beth Emet proceeded with changes to our exterior grounds, the Building Committee, in collaboration with Dayenu Circle and its environmental predecessor, with our leadership worked with the outstanding landscape architect Ryan Kettlekamp to create a certified wildlife habitat on our grounds.
Beth Emet’s habitat provides food (plant seeds, nectar, foliage, twigs, and pollen), water (rain garden), cover (ground cover, meadow/prairie), places to raise young (mature trees, meadow/prairie, wetland, caterpillar host plants), and sustainable practices (soil and water conservation controlling non-native and pest species, and organic practices).
We encourage congregants to consider having their property become wildlife habitats. You only need a normal size lot. If you are interested, check this out. Even if you cannot do everything for certification, do what you can.
Family Night Out at Beth Emet
Sunday Morning Minyan
(Adult) Conversational Hebrew