As this is the first Friday of the month, we will be offering a birthday blessing to all our September birthdays! Here is a list of those who are celebrating! This year’s “Labor On the Bimah” D’var Torah will be delivered by Margarita Klein.
Margarita Klein is the daughter of political refugees from Chile and has been dedicated to workers’ rights and social justice for over two decades. Margarita brings a culmination of 20 years experience in the workers rights and labor movement to Arise Chicago. She has experience training teams of workers to create workplace demands, win union representation, and make concrete workplace improvements. Having won awards for Labor Woman of the Year for the Chicago Federation of Labor, 100 of Chicago’s most influential women, as well as featured and profiled with the Chicago Tribune, Margarita brings her experience and passion for workers’ rights and organizing to Arise. Margarita is bilingual in Spanish and English. Margarita is fluent in Spanish and English.
Welcome Shabbat whether in the Sanctuary or online!
Kahal Shabbat Morning Service
Kabbalat Mitzvah of Rosie Gates-Whitesel
Sunday Morning Minyan