To listen to the service dial 847-869-4230 and press 7.
Greetings! Our relationship with Connections for the Homeless has never been stronger, and we are grateful to those in our social justice community who continue to find ways in which we can support and partner with them. On Friday, June 14, at Kabbalat Shabbat services, we will hear a D’var Torah from Qwandra Drummer, Esq, who was a former Connections participant with lived experience and is now an attorney with her own practice. We will also learn more about the strong relationship between Beth Emet and Connections. Following services, there will be an Oneg Shabbat sponsored by the Beth Emet-Connections Team, and there will be an informational table for you to learn more and find ways to get involved.
We hope to see you @ services this Friday.
For more information about Connections for the Homeless in Evanston, click here.
Kabbalat Shabbat Service
Soul Spark Shabbat Services
Kahal Shabbat Morning Service