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Young Family Pizza in the Hut

Please join Beth Emet’s Young Families, and JCC Chicago Families, to celebrate Sukkot together at Beth Emet The Free Synagogue. We’ll have a pizza dinner, singing, craft project and of course, lulav shaking! Perfect for families with kids under age 6. $25 per household. This event is co-sponsored by Beth Emet Synagogue and JCC Chicago ...

Pizza in the Hut for All Families

Come for dinner in the Sukkah right after Beit Sefer. Please RSVP in advance so that we have enough pizza for all (include any food restrictions?). $7/person or $25/family (up to 5) by October 2.

Event Series Festive Shabbat Oneg

Festive Oneg Shabbat

Come to Kabbalat Shabbat services early to celebrate and schmooze with your Beth Emet community. Snacks and drinks will be provided.  - Thank you to an anonymous donor for making this Oneg possible.

Event Series Kahal Potluck Lunch

Kahal Potluck Lunch

If you are able to attend on Saturday morning, please consider bringing a vegetarian, nut-free dish or lunch item for all to enjoy. Please also take a moment to jot down a list of ingredients that can be displayed with your dish for the benefit of those with food allergies.

Event Series Sunday Morning Minyan

Sunday Morning Minyan

The Sunday Morning Minyan meets in the Beit Midrash at Beth Emet. Join us on Sundays to daven (pray) the weekday Shacharit (morning) service!  First-timers are encouraged! Please note, we will continue to Zoom as well for virtual participation. The Minyan offers an intimate opportunity to pray with the Beth Emet community. The service explores ...