Adult ProgrammingBeit SeferCongregational ProgramsWorshipYoung FamiliesYouth
Learn spoken Hebrew in an Ulpan-like setting. We will read news articles and discuss current events, all in Hebrew. The only prerequisite is basic Hebrew reading skills. Members Register Here Guests Register Here DORIT FLATT is the daughter of Holocaust survivors and grew up in Tel-Aviv, Israel. After completing her IDF service in the paratrooper unit, ...
Please register and read more about the classes here Are you seeking to participate more meaningfully at services? This class will continue to develop Hebrew reading fluency while exploring the vocabulary, structure, and themes of Shabbat worship services and the individual prayers. This class meets a requirement for Adult Kabbalat Mitzvah. Bluma Stoller is a ...
Every Wednesday evening since 2002, Beth Emet has opened its doors to community members in need of a nutritious dinner. Guests sit at linen-covered tables with fresh flowers and listen to live music while enjoying their meal, and they leave with a sack lunch to enjoy on the following day.
Join Chicago Israeli dancing, led by Phil Moss and Penny Brichta, and learn how to dance like an Israeli every Thursday night! For more information you can refer to