Tzedakah Fund

Connections’ nurse Alaina stands with participant Maurice. Housing and health are closely linked, and Connections provides free medical care and health support to any participant in need at three locations.

Our Tzedakah (righteous giving) Fund provides grants to social service and social action organizations within the greater community that address basic human needs.

It offers our members a way to support the community financially.

Apply today for a Tzedakah Fund Grant

We are now accepting applications through October 31, 2024

Connections’ nurse Alaina stands with participant Maurice. Housing and health are closely linked, and Connections provides free medical care and health support to any participant in need at three locations.

Since 1987, Beth Emet has awarded 333 grants totaling $149,765.

Grant recipients address basic human needs through —

  • social service, by giving relief to those who are in need and helping victims of violence or injustice
  • social action, by educating the public, influencing public policy, and advocating social change. 

Who can apply for the grants?

Any not-for-profit organization that meets the requirements specified in our application form is eligible to submit a grant application. The Tzedakah Committee accepts applications from not-for-profit organizations directly or from synagogue committees, the Klei Kodesh and staff, and individual synagogue members submitting applications on behalf of those organizations. 

The Tzedakah Committee considers grants twice a year, in the spring and in the fall. You can apply for a grant on behalf of a not-for-profit organization and donate to the Tzedakah Fund. Contact Barry Isaacson for more information on the grants process or to join the Tzedakah Committee.

The Tzedakah Committee will continue to provide grants to eligible and deserving non-profits. We encourage congregants to help charitable organizations with which they may be involved to submit grant applications for future grant cycles. For more information, contact Barry Isaacson.

Apply today for a Tzedakah Fund Grant.

Deadline:  October 31, 2024

Spring 2024

The Tzedakah Committee awards grants to deserving non-profit organizations that best exemplify Beth Emet’s social justice core values of righteousness and justice, love of one’s neighbors and for the stranger, compassion, kindness, and hospitality. This spring, the committee awarded two $1,000 grants to Learning Edge Tutoring and Connections for the homeless

About the Organizations

Learning Edge Tutoring

Learning Edge, based in the West Side Austin neighborhood, provides free one-to-one tutoring and other academic enrichment services to students from kindergarten to the 12th grade. Services are available to all students regardless of school affiliation or academic level, including students with individual education plans. In addition to school year tutoring, Learning Edge provides summer math and reading enrichment to mitigate summer learning loss; a high school enrollment seminar to help students and families navigate the Chicago Public School enrollment system; personalized assistance for high school students with college and career preparation; and, bi-weekly deliveries of fresh produce to students’ families throughout the school year. Learning Edge will use the grant for general program operations.

Connections for the Homeless

A previous grant recipient, Connections is dedicated to helping people experiencing homelessness. Its mission is to serve and catalyze the communities it serves to end homelessness, one person at a time. Services provided include eviction prevention, community and shelter services at Hilda’s Place and Margarita Inn, housing subsidies and case management, and advocacy centered around eliminating barriers that perpetuate homelessness. Connections will use the grant for general operating support.

See our previous grant recipients since 2013.

Donate Directly to the Tzedakah Fund

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