First Annual Challah Bake-Off a Success!

With six challot entered into the contest, each with a story, this past Friday, we had a wonderful Shabbat dinner and tasting!  The winner was “Breadsmith,” made by the Silver family, a pandemic-created recipe.  Shabbat services started with an explanation by Rabbi London of the mitzvah of hafrashat challah, first mentioned in the Torah portion Bamidbar (15:17-21) about tithing a portion of the dough by removing and burning a small piece of dough as a symbolic offering before baking. The Shabbat dinner even included Play-Doh at each table, with instructions on how to make six-braided challah and Nutella and whipped cream for challah dessert! Many thanks to the committee for creating such a special, engaging evening:  Irina Greenwald, Robin Langer, Becca Nolan and Dori Rubin.


Check out the pictures below: