Letter From the Executive Director

Dear Friends,

As I approach the end of my first full year at Beth Emet, I continue to be inspired by the atmosphere of learning and collaboration, the dedication of the staff, and the intense connection of our congregants to this community. Beth Emet is clearly a special place, and I am grateful for the opportunity to serve as its Executive Director. We have undergone some recent staffing changes, adding Pierce Boyd-Bagby as Director of Communications and Outreach and Melinda Valverdes as Educational Programs Administrator. Bekki Kaplan has assumed her new part-time role as Director of Community Life, creating engaging programming, touchpoints and opportunities for our community and being a generous resource for me. In addition to our board of trustees, clergy, educational team, administrative team, and maintenance staff, these three are committed to ensuring your experience here brings joy and meaning to your lives.

As we look forward to Shavuot, the festival that celebrates the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai, it feels particularly fitting to reflect on the learning and growth we have experienced together this past year. Shavuot is a time of recommitment to our traditions and values, much like my own journey of understanding and connecting with the Beth Emet community. The holiday reminds us of the importance of Torah, education, and the lifelong pursuit of knowledge—values that reflect the very core of this congregation.

I have met many of you this year and listened closely to your stories of connection to Beth Emet. I hope to live up to your expectations as Executive Director and invite you to continue to share your thoughts and ideas with me. Please reach out if I can be of any assistance or for a walk or cup of coffee. There is much good work to do here, and I look forward to experiencing this together.

With deep appreciation for the warm welcome you have extended this year; I look forward to celebrating many more years with you.
