Concerned about the Local Current Migrant Crisis? Take Action, Lend a Hand, Supply “Take Care Kits”

As migrants arrive at the Wilmette Metra Station, Beth Emet’s Social Justice Task Force will be collecting supplies.

As a response to the recent Social Justice Task Force’s informative panel discussion with JCUA  and SaLT  (Service and Learning Together based in Highland Park) on the current migrant crisis, a collection drive is being organized for supplies for 100 “Take Care” kits.

Volunteers in Wilmette, through the SaLT Wilmette Migrant Response group, have been distributing “Take Care” kits to just arrived migrants coming from El Paso, Texas (as directed by Texas Governor Abbott). According to SaLT (in the span of four months from December 31, 2023 to April 26, 2023, ) there have been 76 buses transporting roughly 2,560 passengers from Texas to Wilmette. Many of the individuals arriving are seeking asylum from various countries in Central America. The situation is fluid, and it is unclear what will happen next, but for now the need is ongoing and urgent.

As described by SalT leaders Heather Oliver and Debora Morris, the volunteers are the first point of friendly human contact as people arrive after a 30-hour journey with almost no belongings at the Wilmette Metra Station. The station is the transfer point for them to then board trains south to Ogilvie Station in Chicago, where they will be met with access to shelters and other services in Chicago.

  • To collect supplies for the kits, there is an Amazon Wish List for easy access to purchase supplies. Click here for a complete list.
  • In addition, we will have a collection box at Beth Emet for you to place your donated items (see below for complete list). Once the supplies are collected, we will be hosting a packing session on June 18 (location TBD) to sort and pack all the items. More details and sign-up forthcoming.
  • Or make a donation to Beth Emet to purchase additional supplies. Note “migrant care packages” in the memo.

Step in at this critical time to help those who are facing heart- wrenching circumstances and live your Jewish values through action by welcoming the stranger.

Supply List of Requested Donation Items:

  • Bottled Water
  • Healthy Prepackaged Food Items
  • Bars, Fruits/Nuts, Meat/Cheese, and Trail Mix
  • Face Masks
  • Travel Size
    • First Aid Kit
    • Tissues
    • Tylenol / Advil
    • Lotion
    • Soap
    • Shampoo
    • Toothpaste
    • Toothbrushes
    • ChapSticks
    • Package of Wipes
  • Washcloths
  • Nail clippers