March 10, 2022
We’ve seen a lot of headlines about people changing careers during the pandemic. I’m one of those people! After more than 25 years working in technology product development and digital media, I decided to make a big change and become an elementary school teacher. I’m very happy with my choice. I’m currently working toward a master’s degree in teaching from National Louis University, and for my day job, I’m working as a teaching assistant in a fifth-grade class in Northbrook. I actually started on this path right before the pandemic hit. I wanted to do something more meaningful with my remaining working years, something that would allow me to have a direct positive impact on individual lives. I had previously done volunteer tutoring with adults learning English, and several friends who had gone into teaching suggested I consider it. The more I explored, the more excited I became, so I took the plunge. I hope to get certification early next year to complete this part of my journey and become a full-fledged classroom teacher.
Jonathan Yenkin lives in Wilmette with his wife, Susan Fisher. They’ve been members of Beth Emet for more than 20 years and have enjoyed many moments with the community, including celebrating the Kabbalat Mitzvah of their two sons.
Beth Emet has so many amazing members, each offering unique talents to the greater community. Share your news with all of us so we can both celebrate and get to know one another a bit better…. Especially during these (mostly) virtual times. Send your news to Bekki Kaplan, and if possible, please include a photo!