Together with JRC and JCUA, the Beth Emet community has an opportunity to learn and help shape advocacy work in Illinois. Every year, the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR) proposes potential statewide immigration justice campaigns; in doing this, they want to engage as many members of the community as possible in selecting which campaigns to prioritize in the coming year. The meeting will include a presentation on the campaign options, with opportunities to discuss and give feedback on which immigration justice policy proposals feel most important and energizing. The results will shape this year’s platform. Sign up here to get the link.
JRC 303 Dodge Ave Evanston, IL 60202 United States + Google Map
Phone: 18473287678
The Rabbi Peter and Elaine Knobel Soup Kitchen at Beth Emet
Israeli Dancing
Oneg Sponsored by: Mia Bederman becoming a Kabbalat Mitzvah