This month’s Social Justice Task Force meeting will include a presentation by The Aux, a new Evanston commercial hub dedicated to racial equity and wellness. Led by a co-developer team of Black Evanston women, in partnership with The Growing Season, they are transforming a vacant potato factory into a beautiful and vibrant space that will become home to 10+ Black-owned businesses providing wellness services for our community.
The Social Justice Task Force centers around the values of Tikkun Olam, repairing the world, and gemilut chasadim (acts of loving kindness), through a hands-on, interactive, and committee-based approach. There are so many ways to get involved and help support those suffering as a result of policies of injustice and marginalization. If you wish to be added to the social justice mailing list, contact Bekki Kaplan.
The Rabbi Peter and Elaine Knobel Soup Kitchen at Beth Emet
Purim and Megillah Reading
Israeli Dancing