This program has been postponed to Fall 2022.
This past Rosh HaShanah, the Jewish calendar entered the sh’mita year, the once-every-seven-years biblical sabbatical. While in our contemporary Western context sabbatical is generally a personal interruption of the work cycle, for the Torah and Jewish law, it is a societal institution. We will study core biblical texts about sh’mita and some rabbinic texts, enabling us to reflect on economic and ecological justice implications we might learn for today.
Member fee $15, or included in Friday morning package; non-member fee $25
Ph: 312-626-6799 | Meeting ID: 825 3183 2183 | Passcode: 1224
Member Register Here
Non-Members Register Here
RABBI ARYEH BERNSTEIN is the National Jewish Educator for Avodah; Educational Consultant for the Jewish Council on Urban Affairs (JCUA); and Staff Educator for the Jewish Institute for Animals (JIFA). He has spent years teaching Torah to communities across the U.S. and Israel, especially on themes of social justice. A fifth-generation Chicago south sider, Aryeh is very happy to return for a third visit to the Beth Emet adult education community.
The Peaceful Grandparent Project with Jane Shapiro
A Close Look at Prophets with Rabbi Andrea London