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American Jewry has been inundated with domestic reporting and other media content regarding the war in Gaza and subsequent developments, including rapidly increasing antisemitic incidents, protests on U.S. campuses and elsewhere, violence on the Lebanese border, attacks from Iran and more. Many of us have found that coverage of issues critical to Jewish communities often presents skewed perspectives lacking nuance and context. Many of us also feel under constant bombardment by the never ending stream of difficult to absorb news. We may not be able to change the daily news, but we can read the news with more critical eyes, and we can improve the quality of our own media consumption.
Will lead an interactive discussion on the current role of Jewish American media in our country, and how the foundational attributes of our own Jewish media can serve to expose the core drivers, strengths, weaknesses and limitations of U.S. mainstream media. He will also provide answers to the following questions: What makes journalism like davening? And why is the U.S. Supreme Court like a bowl of applesauce? Joel is a current board member of The Forward and serves on many of its operating committees. He is also a lifelong resident of Evanston, a current board member of Camp Ramah in Wisconsin, and a recently retired corporate attorney.
A Close Look at Prophets with Rabbi Andrea London
Unprecedented Israeli Trauma – A Pioneering Critical response
Current Politics with David Zarefsky