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Calling congregants of all ages and generations! Please join us for an intergenerational panel of 20-somethings – 70-somethings who will bring this year’s theme of One Congregation, Many Voices: Arguments for the Sake of Heaven to life by fostering conversations around hot-button issues where there tend to be significant differences across generations within our own community. Babysitting is available, so register today!
In his book Tablets Shattered, Joshua Leifer, a Millennial journalist and graduate student, asks the following questions: Is it possible to live a life defined by Judaism and, at the same time, guided by progressive values? What does it take to sustain a community in an era of disintegration and flux? He challenges us to reach out of our comfort zones, be engaged with people of different generations and different understandings, and consider what it means today in our highly individualized society to create a Jewish community.
We’ll wrestle together with wide-ranging speculative questions such as:
If you want more information on what OCMV is, click here.
Oneg Shabbat and Soul Spark Shabbat sponsored Jodi and David Portnoy
(Adult) Conversational Hebrew
Siddur (Prayerbook) Hebrew with Bluma Stoller