All are welcome on Thursday evening, May 25, beginning at 6:30 pm, as multiple Evanston communities will again join together under the banner of “One Jewish Evanston” to celebrate the beginning of Shavuot.
Children’s programming and simultaneous adult learning begin at 6:30 pm and ice cream for all at 7:30 pm.
Click here for a schedule of adult programming and links for hybrid events.
This event is sponsored by Mordecai M. Kaplan Center for Jewish Peoplehood, Fiedler Hillel at Northwestern University, Lomdim, Shirat HaAgam, Evanston’s Orthodox Community, Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation, Beth Emet Synagogue
Oneg Shabbat sponsored by Rosalie’s siblings, in honor of Paul and Rosalie Greenberger’s 50th Wedding anniversary
Kabbalat Shabbat Service
Kahal Shabbat Morning Service with Garanim and Families