This year’s “Labor on the Bimah” will be given by Joy Rogers. Her d’var torah, is titled, The Labor Movement: An Expression of Shalom.
After almost 30 years in parish ministry, The Very Rev. Joy Rogers retired in 2014 as Dean of St. James Cathedral and discerned a call to ministry beyond the doors of the church. She became a board member of ARISE Chicago and found a way to work with people who did not worship the way she knew or speak a language she understood or faced challenges that she could not imagine. It has been a time of gift, of learning, of an awakening of spirit and conscience.
Welcome Shabbat whether in the Sanctuary or online! Following services, we will have a picnic in Beth Emet’s parking lot (note change of location). Bring your own dinner, we’ll provide the drinks, desserts and paper goods!
Masks (Suggest KN94 or KN95) are required, and your most recent vaccination shot should be on file and up-to-date. If you have not yet shared your vax info, please do so by completing the online form.
To listen to the service dial 847-869-4230 and press 7
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