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Inclusion Shabbat

February 28 @ 5:45 pm - 8:00 pm

“Inclusion is a buzzword that actually means something”

Join us on Friday, February 28, 2025, at 6:30 pm, in person or livestream, as we welcome Rabbi Emily Dana, who will present a Dvar Torah in recognition of Jewish Disability Awareness, Acceptance, and Inclusion Month (JDAIM). Rabbi Dana grew up at Beth Emet Synagogue and was already teaching us as a teen!

An ordained rabbi and chaplain resident at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Rabbi Dana has also worked as a disability advocate and educator in trauma-informed care and education, inclusion, and, as well as doing a variety of congregational work. Her passions lie in helping all those in a healthcare setting to walk away with the best outcomes possible and making sure that the most vulnerable are heard and empowered. Rabbi Dana lives in Cincinnati, OH, with her cat, Hercules.

The Beth Emet Inclusion Committee is sponsoring the Oneg Shabbat, which will begin at 5:45 pm.

The Beth Emet Inclusion Committee strives to create a welcoming environment where all members feel a strong sense of belonging and are provided with meaningful opportunities to participate and contribute.

Over the years, significant work towards this goal has included identifying barriers to access and designing a physically accessible space when remodeling the synagogue, providing educational programs focused on increasing awareness of disabilities and differences, and fostering inclusion of people with disabilities and those who care about them.


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