For learners with no or limited Hebrew language background. This class focuses on mastery of the Hebrew alphabet in order to read and understand Hebrew words and phrases in the prayer book and modern usage. Hebrew 1 also connects Hebrew vocabulary with Jewish life, ritual, tradition, and Israel. Member fee $220; non-member fee $270 (five-student minimum for this class)
Contact Marci if you are interested or have questions.
BLUMA STOLLER is a Beth Emet congregant and a graduate of Columbia University and the Jewish Theological Seminary. She was the North American Director of Academic Affairs for Tel Aviv University and was the recipient of Hillel International’s Exemplar of Excellence Award for her commitment to social justice and tikkun olam. She has held leadership positions in major Jewish organizations, including Project Otzma and the JCRC of Greater Boston.
A Close Look at Prophets with Rabbi Andrea London
Finding Balance, with Marci Dickman