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Social Justice Task Force First Annual Potluck Dinner and Honoring Lisa Levine

Lighthouse Beach Shelter 2603 Sheridan Rd, 60201, Evanston, IL, United States

This past year, our social justice team has been busy accomplishing successful collection drives, highlighting some of the work we’ve done by bringing speakers to Kabbalat Shabbat services, participating in city-wide events, and volunteering at a few agencies/partners, leading environmental efforts, and helping in Soup Kitchen efforts.  By no means is our work done, but ...

Event Series Sunday Morning Minyan

Sunday Morning Minyan (Offsite)

The Sunday Morning Minyan meets in the Beit Midrash at Beth Emet. Join us on Sundays to daven (pray) the weekday Shacharit (morning) service!  First-timers are encouraged! Please note, we will continue to Zoom as well for virtual participation. The Minyan offers an intimate opportunity to pray with the Beth Emet community. The service explores ...

Event Series Sunday Morning Minyan

Sunday Morning Minyan (Offsite)

The Sunday Morning Minyan meets in the Beit Midrash at Beth Emet. Join us on Sundays to daven (pray) the weekday Shacharit (morning) service!  First-timers are encouraged! Please note, we will continue to Zoom as well for virtual participation. The Minyan offers an intimate opportunity to pray with the Beth Emet community. The service explores ...

Take-Care kits Packing

In response to the recent migrant crisis, Beth Emet will be packing the “take care kits” as part of our efforts to assist migrants as they arrive in our area. We will prepare at minimum 50 take-care kits. We will also coordinate drop-off so that we have the largest impact on the incoming migrants.   ...